
Protecting your Car While on Holiday

Protecting your Car While on Holiday

Vacations mean many things to different people. They might conjure visions of stress-free relaxation, sightseeing, or bonding with family or partners. The one thing you don’t want on vacation is to be worrying ab ...
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Sunshine, Seagulls, and Protecting your Paintwork this Summer

Sunshine, Seagulls, and Protecting your Paintwork this Summer

Finally, summer is here, the weather is mostly fantastic, and the beach is calling. Sunshine might be great for us to top up our vitamin D levels, but what about our cars? How do you protect your paintwork and in ...
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Plug In Car Grants End – Are Electric Vehicles Still Cost-Effective?

Plug In Car Grants End – Are Electric Vehicles Still Cost-Effective?

On the 14th of June, the UK government announced an end to its remaining electric car subsidies. The move came with little notice and took effect immediately, leaving dealers scrambling to adjust vehicle prices on ...
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Making your Gallon Go Further

Making your Gallon Go Further

Fuel prices are no joke, and they are only going to rise in the near future. However, all is not lost. A few small changes can help you get the most out of every litre. At Express Vehicle Contracts, we want to ke ...
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Is there a Future for Solar Panel Cars?

Is there a Future for Solar Panel Cars?

The world’s first solar panel car goes on sale on June 9th. The Dutch Lightyear One promises a clean, efficient drive that will rival current electric vehicles. The question is, can it fulfil its promises? Gi ...
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