
What Happened to the Biofuel Revolution?

What Happened to the Biofuel Revolution?

What Happened to the Biofuel Revolution? Did you know that the 10th of August was international Biodiesel day? Biofuels were first experimented with back in 1853 and were, at one point, more popular than petro ...
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Driving and Mobile Phones Can Passengers Really Face Fines

Driving and Mobile Phones Can Passengers Really Face Fines

New laws on mobile phone usage in vehicles focus on closing previous loopholes that drivers were exploiting. The new rules see a longer list of now prohibited uses and harsher penalties. More concerning to some ...
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7 Things You Need to Know Before Going Electric

7 Things You Need to Know Before Going Electric

The future is electric, at least when it comes to the future of motoring. More manufacturers than ever before are developing hybrid or all-electric cars. The range and charging time of the latest generation far e ...
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Can Your Car Really be Hacked and What Can You do to Prevent it?

Can Your Car Really be Hacked and What Can You do to Prevent it?

The short answer is yes, hacking your car is possible. In essence, modern leasing cars are large moving computers. Knowing how your car can be hacked and how to prevent it helps you keep one step ahead of technologically mi ...
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Is the UK Ready for Driverless Leasing Cars?

Is the UK Ready for Driverless Leasing Cars?

The first British-made car hit the highway in 1894. Often referred to as horseless carriages, the public did not universally welcome cars. Fast-forward 128 years, and the latest leap forward in car technology, th ...
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